Friday, August 13, 2010

from St. Aidan's

These short and to the point posts really hit the nail on the head. The 7 minutes (literally) you use in reading them will well be worth it. They are on very different topics, but all three are everyday things.

Family vs. Church

Teaser Quote:
At its heart, the liturgy calls us to “commend ourselves, each other and all our lives unto Christ our God.” While we need to sing those words on a weekly basis, we also need daily opportunities outside of liturgy to accomplish the challenge of our song. We need to establish and cherish those informal, non-liturgical times as God-given arenas in which service to our family can itself become a churchly act, our personal liturgy.
My favorite line is,
"The debate between family and like the relationship of the flower to the soil."
2 minutes to read

Ministry of Suffering

Teaser Quote:
For those who endure chronic suffering, I would say: this is your ministry. Your victory in the smallest of things—getting out of bed, being gentle with a loved one in the midst of the pain—can and will change the lives of those around you more powerfully than the most talented of writers or preachers or missionaries. It was for you above all that God entered His creation. He came to suffer not just for you, but with you and beside you.
My favorite line is,
"The temptation in this line of thinking, of course, is to conceive of chronic suffering as a permanent detour from normalcy. “Real life” is somewhere else, and other people are living it."
2 minutes to read


Teaser Quote:
...vacation cannot be an escape from ourselves any more than it can be an escape from other people. Rather than using time away as a psychological anaesthetic for our personal pains, we might perhaps use it as a magnifying lens through which we can see our hearts more clearly.
My favorite line is,
"Wherever you go, you always bring yourself."
3 minutes to read


Lydia said...

Where did u find this blog??

Esther said...

Where else? Matthew.

Lydia said...

Ahhh,haha, yes indeed, need I even ask. Good stuff that.

Esther said...

Yes. I plan on checking back from time to time to see what else they post.